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“Scare Away the Stigma!”
For the last couple of years, Active Minds at Ithaca College has been doing a Halloween fundraiser we call “Scare Away the Stigma!” For this fundraiser, we get candy and little bags, and we create strips of paper with facts about mental health that are commonly used in an attempt to reduce the stigma around…
How to Talk to Your Professors About Your Mental Health
As I was getting ready to leave for college, the most common piece of advice I got from college-educated family members and friends was to talk to my professors. I shrugged it off, assuming that my relationships with professors would come more naturally. Little did I know that in less than two years, I would…
Practice Suicide Prevention, Not Just Reaction
Content Warning: This piece contains mentions of suicide. Whenever someone famous dies by suicide, I see my social media feeds fill with the numbers for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) and the Crisis Text Line (741741), and while that information is incredibly important to share, I am always left with a feeling that we…