Chapter News
Speak Your Mind: Bring Awareness to Your Campus
What is Speak Your Mind (SYM) Panel? The SYM Panel was first created in 2010 by the Ithaca College chapter of Active Minds. It’s goal – that of Active Minds – is to change the conversation around mental health by using student’s personal stories to raise awareness around mental illness. This unique platform aims…
Notice and Connect Trainings – Colby College Active Minds
Last fall, our chapter partnered with our school’s Counseling Center to begin implementing basic mental health trainings for members of our college community. Over the course of the semester, members of our chapter co-facilitated trainings with members of the Counseling center, educating members of the community on mental health, informing them of available resources, and…
Humans of SCAD
SCAD Active Minds launched during Spring quarter of 2019. With only one quarter before most students would head home for the summer, our SCAD chapter of Active Minds needed to work proficiently to be as effective as possible. We had two main projects, one of which being the Humans of SCAD Project. Because our chapter…
Martin Luther King Jr. Day – Florida A&M University Chapter
In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Jan. 21, we share this message from Florida A&M University’s Active Minds chapter, a historically black university, to both celebrate and honor the work and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as shed light on the mental health advocacy being done on their campus. Why…
Chapter Fundraising Hot Tips
Fundraising Hot Tip #1: Remember the Why Many chapter leaders tell us that they feel like they’re fighting an uphill battle on their campuses. You might feel like you and your fellow chapter leaders are the only ones so passionately committed to mental health advocacy in what can feel like a thankless effort. It…
Piece of Mind: A Display Focusing on Mental Health @ East Stroudsburg University
Piece of Mind: A Display Focusing on Mental Health is an art display consisting of student-submitted 2D artwork that relates to mental health. The display was also a contest where survey results determined two winners who received prizes for their efforts in bringing awareness. What was your budget for this activity? Our budget for this…
Coping Skills Workshop @ Stockton University
Coping Skills Workshop for Suicide Prevention Awareness and Disordered Eating Awareness and Prevention. A workshop to learn 5 new positive coping skills in 1 hour. What was your budget for this activity? This event did not cost our chapter any money because we used supplies we already had, such as crayons and online coloring pages,…
Fundraising in 30 Minutes or Less!
If you’re stumped on where to get started with fundraising, check out some of these quick and easy ideas to get the ball rolling. Raising your first dollar is the hardest part and any amount of money raised is a sign of successfully getting people invested in your mission and work! Partner with a community…
#WhatIWouldSay – Active Minds at William & Mary
#WhatIWouldSay… if I knew a loved one was struggling with mental health issues. William and Mary students shared messages of hope for Mental Health Awareness Week (October 2018) through their #WhatIWouldSay campaign. From one of our new members, Sayran Ihsan, who is a freshman at the College: “It was particularly heartwarming to hear the…
Dog Therapy at Universities Supports Students in Multiple Ways
At Stockton University, student wellness is a top priority. Although there are many outlets for physical, mental, creative, and spiritual needs of students, there is one outlet that just seems to top the rest. Therapy dogs. Nate Morell, the Active Minds Advisor a Stockton, would say that he has never seen more students smile than…