Your Voice is Your Power
How should I define success?
Locate your university’s strategic plan. If it’s not available online, contact your Counseling Center Director or Dean of Students and ask if they can help you locate it. Search for keywords related to mental health, such as: “wellbeing” and “wellness,” and keywords related to inclusion, such as “diversity” and “equity.” If the plan is missing…
Who should I talk to in order to make change happen?
Ultimately, the Provost and/or University President are typically the decision-makers you will need to engage. Depending on the size and nature of your campus, you may be able to schedule a meeting with them directly through their assistants or you may need to first approach the Dean of Students or Vice-Provost.
What resources are available to help me?
The following resources will help you make the case by gathering other campus partners, data, and student stories ahead of your meeting: Active Minds’ COVID-19 Recommendations Transform Your Campus advocacy guide The Steve Fund & JED Foundation’s Equity in Mental Health Framework
How should I define success?
First, ask the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion office if this is already provided on your campus. If not, gather student leadership to partner with you (i.e. student government, RAs, student organizations, etc.) and gather letters of support from appropriate offices/departments (i.e. Counseling Center, Equity/Inclusion Office, Multicultural Center, etc.). Ask for a meeting with department heads/chairs, deans,…
Who should I talk to in order to make change happen?
Department heads/chairs, deans, and your Provost/VP of Academic Affairs
What resources are available to help me?
The following resources will help you make the case by gathering other campus partners, data, and student stories ahead of your meeting: Faculty Guide: Creating a Culture of Caring Active Minds’ COVID-19 Recommendations Transform Your Campus Advocacy Guide The Steve Fund Crisis Task Force Report: Adapting & Innovating to Promote Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being…
How should I define success?
Share Active Minds’ Faculty Guide (including a sample syllabi statement) with your professors and ask them to consider adding mental health resources to their course syllabi, signature line, and/or web platforms. Then, gather student leadership to partner with you (i.e. student government, RAs, student organizations, etc.) and gather letters of support from appropriate offices/departments (i.e….
Who should I talk to in order to make change happen?
Your professors, department heads/chairs, deans, and your Provost/VP of Academic Affairs.
Who should I talk to in order to make change happen?
Your Counseling/Health Services Director(s) and/or Dean of Students.
What resources are available to help me?
The following resources will help you make the case by gathering other campus partners, data, and student stories ahead of your meeting: Active Minds’ COVID-19 Recommendations Transform Your Campus Advocacy Guide The Steve Fund Crisis Task Force Report: Adapting & Innovating to Promote Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being of Young People of Color Finding Support…