“Meg’s presentation was even more inspiring and educational than we had hoped. Her warm demeanor and her deep insights into living with mental illness based on her own experience had a real impact on our students. I heard from numerous students afterward that they went back to their residence halls and had in-depth discussions about how to be present to peers living with mental illness. In terms of equipping students with both awareness of how to support others and the ability to seek help when they experience mental health issues themselves, I think the impact will be long-lasting.”
Kim Whitehead
Director, Ina E. Gordy Honors College; coordinator of Forum Series
Mississippi University for Women
“What an amazing turnout and incredible experience Meg provided for our students. We have all remarked over the last few days on the way she sustained the attention of students and the feedback we have received from them is incredibly positive. Thank you for your thoughtful presence, warm style, and openness in sharing your experience. I think it has really made a difference here and set a precedent for programming that will serve us for a long time.”
Stephanie J. Kendall, Ph.D.
Director Hamel Health & Counseling
Merrimack College
“Meg Hutchinson is an extraordinary singer, songwriter, and advocate for those with mental illness. She is able to articulate the experience of mania and depression in a way I have not heard before; she is also able to weave together her music, life story, and hope in a beautiful and profoundly moving way.”
Kay Redfield Jamison, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Meg does what few mental health speakers can: have a laid back, hopeful, and matter-of-fact conversation with her audience. Her ability to connect through story and song both entertains and reminds us that one need not choose between mental wellness and creativity. I am thankful for her partnership as we work to eliminate stigma among tomorrow’s leaders.”
Maggie Bertram
Former Speaker and Program Manager
Active Minds