Mental Health +
Use these 31 simple, unique, and accessible ways to make mental health a priority in your daily life. Explore the actions below to find what works best for you this month and enjoy the added benefit of supporting your mental health.
what will you add to your everyday?

Soak in nature’s healing qualities: head to a patio, porch, or park and tune in to content about culturally-competent care.

feel rejuvenated
Soak in nature’s healing qualities. Head to a patio, porch, or park and tune in to content about culturally-competent care.
Take some time in the fresh air today, whether that be a walk, sitting by an open window, or going for a drive. While you’re doing so, we recommend listening to podcasts about healing practices and culturally-relevant approaches to contemporary challenges with the Steve Fund, the Loveland Foundation, the Melanin Collective, or the Black Mental Health Alliance.

Take a photo of your favorite daily view.

share your view
Take a photo of your favorite daily view.
What view gets you inspired each day? Maybe it’s a street on your commute, the view from your office, or what you see when you look outside your window. Take a photo of your favorite daily view and share it with us, tagging #mentalhealthplus.

Give back to your community! Start with picking up one piece of litter on your block.

give back to the earth
Give back to your community! Start with picking up one piece of litter on your block.
We’re all aware of – and even potentially anxious about – the state of our environment and the need for individual and collective action. Take a moment to do one thing to make a difference in your local area by picking up just one piece of litter you see. Small actions can make a big difference.

Spend time in the sun this week and see the impact on your overall health.

soak up the sun
Spend time in the sun this week and see the impact on your overall health.
True or false: getting a daily dose of sunshine can improve your sleep cycle? True! Getting just a little extra sunlight at the beginning of the day can have a large impact on your circadian rhythms, plus the vitamin D the sun provides supports many mental and physical health factors – so, put on some sunscreen and find your light!

Utilize the calming sound of rain while practicing mindful affirmations.

relax with rain
Utilize the calming sound of rain while practicing mindful affirmations.
Find serenity by listening to rainfall. Check out our calming affirmation video, complete with gentle raindrops and encouraging mantra messages to help manage stress and anxiety.

Find something growing in an unexpected place (and take a photo!).

appreciate growth
Find something growing in an unexpected place (and take a photo!).
Get outside, take a roll or stroll, and find something growing in an unexpected place. Take a photo and tag #mentalhealthplus. (PS: Nature is known for its soothing qualities – soak it in!)

Use CharityMiles to benefit mental health while getting your steps in!

walk for mental health
Use CharityMiles to benefit mental health while getting your steps in!
Do you know what’s better than taking a walk? Getting in your steps while benefiting one of your favorite organizations, Active Minds! Sign-up today for CharityMiles and ensure that your next walk around your block, hike, or even commute to your local coffee shop can support your mental health.

Shorten a meeting to give yourself (and your peers) a brain break.

shorten a meeting
Shorten a meeting to give yourself (and your peers) a brain break.
Consider shortening the meetings you schedule to 25 or 50 minutes (rather 30 minutes or an hour) to give coworkers and partners time in-between meetings for a mental break. According to the American Psychological Association, this simple step can help boost mood and improve performance.

Look for positive changes you can advocate for in the workplace.

advocate at work
Look for positive changes you can advocate for in the workplace.
Creating initiatives to support employee mental health makes for a more productive, welcoming, and all-around better workplace. Learn about the importance of workplace mental health by exploring Active Minds’ @Work program, and think of one small way you can commit to supporting your coworkers’ mental health.

Permit yourself to set boundaries (both in your personal and professional life).

set boundaries
Permit yourself to set boundaries (both in your personal and professional life).
Whether it’s blocking off a dedicated lunch break, saying “No,” to plans after a busy week, or turning off notifications for the weekend, find a way to set boundaries and take care of yourself. It can be uncomfortable at first, but through practice, it will get easier to prioritize your time in a way that is most healthy for you!

Familiarize yourself with how to find professional care when/if needed.

explore care options
Familiarize yourself with how to find professional care when/if needed.
Don’t wait until you’re in crisis to make a care plan. Take your first step with TimelyCare, TimelyMD’s accessible virtual counseling program. Knowing what you’re looking for and understanding the process of working with a mental health professional can ease the transition in the future.

Your mental and physical health are deeply connected! Simple exercises can help you feel more in tune with your body.

feel at home in your body
Your mental and physical health are deeply connected! Simple, grounding exercises can help you feel more at home in your body.
This can look like naming things around you when you feel overwhelmed, relaxing tension you may be unconsciously holding when stressed, or taking a few moments to get up and walk around. Just focus on where you are at that given moment.

Set a goal around how you can improve your sleep habits, such as limiting screen time or having a consistent wake-up time.

analyze your sleep
Set a goal around how you can improve your sleep habits, such as limiting screen time or having a consistent wake-up time.
It doesn’t always feel like there are enough hours in the day, and because of that, we often sacrifice parts of our routine that we shouldn’t, such as sleep. Look at the past week or month to find patterns of when you sacrificed your sleep and the effect that lack of rest had on you. Make a plan to put sleep first, and see the benefits that come from it.

Take daily actions to continue to educate yourself about mental health, such as learning about signs and symptoms, ways to support others, and how to move forward during a tough time.

commit to learning
Take daily actions to continue to educate yourself about mental health, such as learning about signs and symptoms, ways to support others, and how to move forward during a tough time.
One way we can continue to educate ourselves is through free, accessible resources. We recommend starting with the Active Minds website. There, you’ll find information about mental health, referral resources, and crisis information. Knowing what to look out for and how to help in difficult situations can save a life.

Find a daily self-care routine that works for you on good days, and supports you on bad ones.

normalize daily self-care
Find a daily self-care routine that works for you on good days and supports you on bad ones.
To start a routine, consider a brief meditation in the morning or evening. You can use the following breathing guide as a starting point and make modifications as you go to fit your needs. Other simple self-care acts include journaling, spending time outside, connecting with loved ones, or just spending time unplugged and resting.

Find opportunities to become involved in mental health advocacy.

support advocacy efforts
Find opportunities to become involved in mental health advocacy.
Now more than ever, schools, clubs, sports teams, and more are finding ways to prioritize mental well-being for children, teens, and young adults. One way to support these changes is by finding ways young adult advocates can stay involved in this work, such as the Mental Health Advocacy Academy, or the Transform Your Campus Advocacy Guide.

Support mental health work nationwide by purchasing an exclusive “Mental Health +” tote bag!

showcase mental health
Support mental health work nationwide by purchasing an exclusive “Mental Health +” tote bag!
Active Minds is now in its nineteenth year of work, and thanks to your support, we’ve reached millions of people with life-saving messages. Support our continued efforts by purchasing a commemorative “Mental Health +” tote bag, featuring a design by emerging young artist Aaliyah Hickey. Get yours today!

Get inspired by the Mental Health Youth Action Forum.

celebrate new leaders
Get inspired by the Mental Health Youth Action Forum.
Young adults are consistently leading the charge on mental health change. This year, thirty young adults have been chosen for the Mental Health Youth Action Forum and will be taking their ideas to the White House. Learn more about this year’s participants and the goals of the forum here.

Work to make changes in your community using Evokate.

learn with evokate
Work to make changes in your community.
What inspires you to take action? Mental health is intertwined in all areas of our lives, from housing to food security, to environmentalism, and more. Find new ways to make positive changes in your community on Mental Health Action Day with Evokate, a new social advocacy tool launching May 19!

Engage your community through a mental health fundraiser with Team Active Minds!

engage your community
Start a mental health fundraiser with Team Active Minds!
Time and time again, we see that one of the most simple and accessible ways to engage in a cause you care about is donating. Give your network that opportunity during Mental Health Month by starting a fundraiser with Team Active Minds. Each contribution makes a big difference in supporting our work to change the culture around mental health.

Words matter: learn how to move forward after a microaggression.

be c.a.l.m.
Words matter: learn how to move forward after a microaggression.
Everyday microaggressions can be damaging to our mental health, and thankfully there are many resources to remind us of our worth and help us cope. Now, here’s a new tool from Active Minds, Trevor Project, and CLASP to help recover and repair relationships when we are the ones that have caused a microaggression. Check back soon to explore the C.A.L.M. tool and learn more about what microaggressions are, how they can impact our mental health, and the steps to repair relationships after a microaggression.

Join thousands of others in taking the “Here for You” pledge.

sign the pledge
Join thousands of others in taking the “Here for You” pledge.
Making a positive change for mental health can be as simple as letting your friends, family, and peers know that you’re there for them. Today, we encourage you to sign the “Here for You” pledge and assist in growing a nationwide community of support, helping to ensure that no one has to feel alone in their struggles.

Get certified in V-A-R®, Active Minds’ everyday tool for everyday conversations.

get your certification
Get certified in V-A-R®, Active Minds’ everyday tool for everyday conversations.
Part of being involved in a community is knowing how to support those around you during difficult times. For those tough, but necessary conversations, we encourage you to utilize the V-A-R® method, or Validate-Appreciate-Refer.

Refer a friend to myala.

explore mind and body
Refer a friend to myala.
Developed by our partners at Flourish Labs, myala is a new self-tracking app for the mind that fosters human connection. College students, start tracking your wellness journey and discover more about how you can best take care of all aspects of your health, including mental, physical, and emotional. Once you’ve signed up and seen the benefits, refer a friend and build your digital community!

Support your employees by dedicating one hour of the workweek to mental health.

give an hour
Support your employees by dedicating one hour of the workweek to mental health.
This week, we encourage schools, companies, and organizations nationwide to devote one hour a week to mental health. Whether that be conducting a fun group activity, flex time for employees, or something else, take time this week to focus on wellbeing.

Learn more about the Active Minds Near-Peer Mentoring program.

uplift young advocates
Learn more about the Active Minds Near-Peer Mentoring program.
Finding innovative ways to uplift young adult leaders is crucial as we continue to work at changing the culture around mental health. Explore the Active Minds Near-Peer Mentoring program, and consider bookmarking the page for yourself, or sharing it with your network!

Start conversations about mental health equity in the classroom by sharing our health equity resources.

start a conversation
Start conversations about mental health equity in the classroom by sharing our health equity resources.
We all play a part in ensuring health equity in our schools and Active Minds is here to support you in that process. The conversations that happen in the classroom can have a major impact on health equity and mental health, especially for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ students. Utilize Active Minds’ health equity guide to learn how to start integrating these important topics into your classroom.

Reconnect with your campus chapter or see if your alma mater has a chapter and look for ways to support their work.

connect with students
Reconnect with your campus chapter or see if your alma mater has a chapter and look for ways to support their work.
Our Active Minds chapters are creating long-lasting change on campuses nationwide. Whether you are part of a chapter or not, we encourage you to reach out to your high school or college’s chapter and see how you can support their efforts! Additionally, if your alma mater doesn’t have a chapter, you can support Active Minds’ efforts by donating to a local chapter here.

Let a friend know you're there for them. Send an encouraging message today.

send some love
Let a friend know you’re there for them. Send an encouraging message today.
Our friends at Snap have helped us in creating mental health filters to share encouraging messages with your friends! Check out the filters here and share your message of hope with us using the hashtag #mentalhealthplus. We can’t wait to see them!

What songs help lift your spirits? Share them with us!

share a song
What songs help lift your spirits? Share them with us!
Music plays a role in each of our lives, and for many, it can be a source of comfort, healing, and inspiration. Add your favorite mood-boosting song to our new Active Minds playlist by heading to our Instagram on May 30 and submitting your choice to our Instagram story!

Let others know they’re not alone by sharing your story.

tell your story
Let others know they’re not alone by sharing your story.
If you have a mental health-related story to share, consider submitting it to either our Send Silence Packing display, or the Active Minds blog. By sharing your experience, you show others they’re not alone and help is available.