Send Silence Packing: Spreading Hope and Mental Health Awareness Across the Country

SSP Team
SSP Team

Summer is here, but mental health awareness is a year-round mission! At Active Minds, we’re proud of the impact our traveling exhibit, Send Silence Packing (SSP), has made this year.

Sharing Stories, Sparking Hope

SSP uses powerful storytelling to educate young adults about mental health. By showcasing backpacks representing lives lost to suicide, the exhibit reminds viewers they’re not alone.

This year, SSP reached tens of thousands of students and young adults. Hear what some of them had to say about their experience 

Click here to watch our 2023-2024 recap video

A Year of Impact

We’ve been busy making waves! Here’s a glimpse into SSP’s 2023-2024 journey:

  • Revamped Features: We added a Story Labyrinth for deeper reflection, a pop-up theater for enhanced storytelling, and an interactive Hope Wall to promote peer support.
  • High-Profile Partnerships: We partnered with the New England Patriots Foundation and Robert Kraft for a public event at Gillette Stadium.
  • Community Focus:  We hosted a first of its kind neighborhood event at a public park in Baltimore with our Active Minds National Speaker, Anthony Sartori. This event gave residents an opportunity to connect with each other and engage in conversation about mental health.
  • National Reach: SSP traveled to nearly 20 states, partnering with diverse institutions like community colleges and historically black universities.

Make mental health a priority by bringing SSP to your community

Become a Host!

Help us spread hope to your own backyard! Our Host Interest Guide will give you all the details on hosting SSP.

Hear from Past Hosts:

Active Minds chapters, universities, and organizations nationwide have partnered with SSP. Here’s what some of them had to say:

  • “Even though we can never provide data on what has not happened, [we] have no doubt it played a role in saving lives.” – Karen Gould, Penn State University
  • “My hope is that Kyle’s story and this exhibit helps young adults who might be struggling today like Kyle did..” – Jim Johnson, Founder of Kyle Cares
  • “Every college campus should host SSP. It’s a profound and eye-opening experience.” – Emily Muench, Baldwin Wallace University

Let’s Keep the Conversation Going! We’re here to support you. Visit our website or contact us with any questions.

Together, we can make a difference!