Folajinmi Bakare
Georgia Institute of Technology, Undergraduate Student
Folajinmi M. Bakare is a second-year undergraduate at Georgia Institute of Technology. He is majoring in Biology with an aspiration for pre-medicine. From his experiences as working as an editor for a mental health non-profit, and background as a Certified Medical Assistant, he has been driven towards health advocacy. His project stems from the terminology “Prosilience” which in essence is the proactive intervention of underlying health issues or challenges. His project’s ambition is to educate the general youth on tangible preventative/productive measures they can implement towards their wellbeing. This education is a means to rid stigmas, undo misconceptions, and to revitalize one’s outlook on life. The target audience is everyone; however, he places a special emphasis on reaching youth from marginalized environments, which is where most of the stigmas lie. The essential mission of project Prosilience is to enable minds to fulfill their dreams.
Project Title: “Prosilience: Revitalizing Dreams”