mission and impact

Championing a New Era of Mental Health

since 2003

Active Minds mobilizes youth & young adults to transform mental health norms across society

We are building a movement of lasting champions who are improving mental health norms for all. Through our advocacy and programs — including the Active Minds Chapter Network, Active Minds Speakers, A.S.K., Cause + Career, Emerging Scholars Fellowship, Mental Health Advocacy Academy and Institute, and Send Silence Packing — we equip youth to join a growing, connected, and diverse movement of peer mental health champions.

mission & impact

We envision a society that forever values and prioritizes mental health. By equipping, connecting, and amplifying the collective and diverse voices of youth and young adults, we are building a movement of lasting champions who are improving mental health norms for all.

20 years of impact

Active Minds is the largest nonprofit in the United States mobilizing youth and young adults to transform mental health norms across society.

Headquartered in Washington, DC, Active Minds brings to mental health what no other organization can — the voice of young people who are disproportionately affected by mental illnesses and the way mental health is addressed on campuses and in society at large.

Now in more than 1,000 campuses and communities, including more than 500 student-led chapters, we directly reach more than 1.9 million people each year through awareness campaigns, events, advocacy, outreach, and more. Our programs and services empower young adults to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health, create communities of support, and ultimately save lives.

An approach that works

Recognizing that youth and young adults are the most impactful catalysts for change among their peers, Active Minds has spent more than 20 years equipping the next generation of mental health advocates.


Our Values        

As we work to change the culture around mental health in classrooms, workplaces, and communities nationwide, we are committed to upholding these core organizational values:


We actively listen to each other and seek to create meaningful connections. We value collaboration and recognize that our ideas are better when perspectives from up, down, and across the organization and throughout the community are sought, heard, and considered. We raise each other up to ensure all voices are heard.


We are forward-thinking, and always learning. We are driven by our “why” and are committed to excellence as we respond and adapt with agility. We shape the next-gen social norms and solutions for mental health to continuously and boldly evolve.


We strive to become more equity focused and inclusive. By learning about, acknowledging, and working to address the unique challenges faced by marginalized communities, we are positioning ourselves to be a mental health organization that advocates for all people.


We all have multiple identities and we meet each other where we are, exactly as we are. As an organization, we align our actions with each of these values. We strive to practice authenticity in a way that supports others being able to be authentic too, to advance our organizational mission.

Our Impact

Each year, more than 15,000 young adults join Active Minds as passionate advocates and educators for mental health. Our advocates encourage their peers and networks to learn about, talk about, and seek help for mental health issues just as they would for a physical issue, without shame or silence.

This peer-to-peer approach is unique to Active Minds and one that works.

Impact Report

We publish an Impact Report each year to share our progress in changing the conversation about mental health. Take a look!

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A few data points: Youth who felt connected to peers and trusted adults at school were significantly less likely than those who did not to report persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness (35% vs. 53%), seriously considering attempting suicide (14% vs. 26%), attempted suicide (6% vs. 12%).

We believe that mobilizing the next generation to speak openly and to act, can end the silence and change the conversation about mental health for everyone.

We are on a mission to save lives. By 2022, we intend to double our reach to 1,000 total campuses and communities.

Active Minds Strategic Plan: 2017-2022

Our Strategic Plan

To guide us into a new future, we developed an ambitious, five-year strategic plan. We intend to double our reach to hundreds of thousands more individuals and 1,000 total campuses and communities. This is our commitment — to reach as many teens and young adults as possible so they can benefit from our vital programs and services.

Anti-Racism & Inclusion Action Plan

An emotionally healthy world is not possible without a just world. Following our publicly shared Statement on Racism, the Active Minds team created and now regularly reviews and updates an action plan to ensure we are, and will continue to be, an anti-racist and inclusive organization.


Research from a landmark study by the RAND Corporation confirms what we’ve always found to be true — that Active Minds has a significant, positive impact on student health and well-being by creating a supportive climate for mental health on college campuses.


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Our Story

Creating hope out of tragedy: read Active Minds’ inspiring story.

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